What’s on offer?

For your school, workplace or community

A variety of workshops around waste, from bins to your backyard and beyond.

Whether you are sick of chucking out your veggie scraps, or your students want to know where all our rubbish ends up…

We have plenty of different offerings of workshops and activities to cover all bases.

Have a scroll below and see what suits your needs best.

Or if you don’t see what you’re looking for, get in touch and we can customise something together.

“Thanks for an amazing workshop. Peg was so knowledgeable and enthusiastic, it was a real pleasure to engage in this topic with her. She clearly lives what she talks and it was wonderful learning from her.” — Caroline – community workshop, City of Stirling

Workplace and community

Talks and workshops for individuals and groups

Do you want to grow some veggies but feel restricted by finance or being in a rental? Or do you find it hard to get others on board to care about it all the stuff in the bins?

With so many ‘lessens’ (essence of less) to think about and try, we need to have some possible and achievable options.

There are talks and activities to answer all these queries (and more), all delivered in a doable and accessible manner.

Learn how to set up useful things with what you’ve got, keeping it all simple, and not taking ourselves too seriously.

I offer talks and workshops in the following learning areas:

-       “Rethinking organic waste” (composting, worms, bokashi buckets)

-       “Gardening on the cheap” (setting up in small spaces and more)

-       “Where does it go? (waste, bins and more)

-       “Living lightly“ with less impact

  • Alternative to Single Use Plastic- Making Beeswax Wraps

  • Gift Making- low-waste and meaningful gifts to make and take home, plus ideas for more


Click through to booking info and price list or contact me for a customised program.

“The students and staff enjoyed their incursions with you which were fun, hands on and informative
and I am sure will educate their families” — East Hamersley Primary School

School and Early Learning

Hands on activities for students of all ages

Get your students involved in a rubbish sort, making a low waste lunch box (it’s easy but can it be yummy too?) or discovering the anatomy and work of worms.

I can offer the students activities and challenges for on-going learning that is all tied into the curriculum.

Activities are grouped into the following learning areas: 

-       “Rethinking organic waste” (composting, worms, instant garden bed)

-       “Where does it go?” (waste, bins and more)

-       “Nude your food” (making low waste lunch-boxes, year 4 and above)

- Reducing Single Use Plastic and Making Beeswax Wraps (Yr 1 and above)

Activities Good for School Holiday Programs

  • Wonderful World of Worms

  • Nude Lunches and Beeswax Wraps

  • Creating bugs from junk waste

Click through to booking info and price list or contact me for a customised program.

“I have had a complete change in mindset. Thank you for providing me with the tools to get started on sustainability.” — Sheree, Earth Carer participant